Buckwheat honey

Price: 150 (700 gr) UAH
Category: Honey

Buckwheat honey has a dark rich color, bitter taste, spicy aroma. One may feel a sore throat due to slight irritating effect. This is a positive effect on receptors, which activate metabolic processes, local mucosal immunity, and promotes blood flow.

    This honey contains about 300 different nutrients. There are no exact lists and dosages. The presence of components varies depending on the buckwheat variety, growing region, weather conditions.

    Useful properties of buckwheat honey make it possible to use it in cooking, cosmetology, and medicinal purposes. The main quality is powerful support of the immune system, especially in the autumn-winter period. Buckwheat honey helps fight viral, bacterial infection, has anti-inflammatory properties. When coughing, it has a warming effect on the chest, promotes the natural cleansing of the bronchi from phlegm.

It is a prevention of high blood pressure, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis. With regular use, the walls of the capillary network are being strengthened.

    The buckwheat honey is also useful for:

 – improving the condition with iron deficiency anemia, purifies the blood, has a beneficial effect on the function of hematopoiesis;

● partial compensating for the lack of nutrients in hypovitaminosis, avitaminosis;

● strengthening nervous system;

● restoring mental and emotional balance, preventing the development of seasonal depression;

● stabilizing the acidity of the stomach;

● healing wounds, 1-2 degree burns;

● rehabilitating organs after radiation sickness.

Last updated: 16 - Sep - 2021