
Price: 30 UAH
Category: Bee pollen

Flower pollen 100%.


    Natural adaptogenic remedy of natural origin, the richest source of vitamins not synthesized by the body on its own, a powerful immunomodulatory natural remedy. Pollen has a positive effect on the activity of all systems and organs, helps to resist viral and infectious diseases, is useful as an effective prophylactic agent, promotes a speedy recovery and recovery of the body after illness, and helps to resist stress.

    Flower pollen is a powerful biological stimulant, improves mental abilities, increases resistance to fatigue, improves appetite, it contains 15% sugar and about 10 types of vitamins necessary for humans (thiamine, ascorbic acid, carotene, etc.). Pollen is rich in B vitamins, vitamins C, E, D, R, K. Thanks to the iron included in it, the hemoglobin level quickly returns to normal. During the spread of colds and flu epidemics, it is recommended to take pollen as a prophylaxis, because it has immunomodulatory properties and contains natural antibiotics.

    Pollen is rich in microelements, vitamins (especially carotene) and phytohormones that are important for metabolism. It normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland, saturating the body with iodine, zinc and selenium, which positively affects the activity of the entire endocrine system of the body and the functioning of the brain. Regular intake of the product significantly improves well-being. Bee pollen is indispensable in cases when it is necessary to raise the performance and immunity indicators, to feel a noticeable surge of strength and vivacity.

Last updated: 16 - Sep - 2021